CS 372 Spring 2016  >  Notes for February 5, 2016

CS 372 Spring 2016
for February 5, 2016


Design is a description of a project at a bit higher level than actual source code, based on the requirements. A software design can include the following.



Construction is actually creating the software, based on the design. This involves coding, of course. We also need to do verification: have we written correct code. An important part of this is testing, in which we execute code. This leads to debugging: fixing problems. We will discuss testing and debugging in more detail later.

Pair Programming

There are various methodologies for construction. One that has proven effective is pair programming, in which two developers are at a single machine. One types, the other watches, and they discuss what they are doing.

Studies comparing pair programming to traditional single-developer programming have generally shown the following.

The Software Development Process will be continued next time.

Introduction to Group Project 1

Project 1 groups were assigned. See the Group Project 1 description.