CS 372 Spring 2016  >  Group Project 1

CS 372 Spring 2016
Group Project 1


In this project, you are to work in a group of students to go through a software development process whose goals is to produce software for a two-player Battleship game. At least one of the two players must be human. Otherwise, the project is quite open-ended.

A fair amount of project work will be done in class. But it will also require significant time outside of class. Periodically, each group will give short presentations in class on their project. These will be done on Fridays.

The most important part of this project is the process. Software that is unfinished, but for which there is documentation of requirements, design, and testing, all properly stored in a Git repository, may get you a decent grade. A finished game without any of the above will not.


You must work with your assigned group.

Each group member must present at least one of the in-class presentations.

All project documents—source code, requirements, design, testing, etc.—must be stored in a Git repository, to which all students in the group have read/write access, and to which the instructor has read access. E-mail me the URL for your project repository as soon as you set it up.

 Project source code must be in C++.  You must be able to demonstrate your code (by executing it) in class.

Project source code must compile and execute at all times.

Each project member must keep a project diary: This should be extensive, specifically including details of how long you spent working on it (and what you were doing) and how quickly the project is going. I also want to see your thoughts about anything from this class you are using. I want to know how you felt while Pair Programming. Did it keep you on task? Was it a lot slower than working by yourself? Did your code have fewer bugs, better design, better names, etc.? I want to see similar comments about the planning process, doing TDD, clean code, using version control, etc. Everything we have covered in this course that you use or think about should be mentioned here. Your diary does not have to be a formal document, incomplete sentences and the like are fine, but it should be understandable.


Final versions of all of the above will be due at noon on Friday, March 11. Earlier due dates for possibly incomplete versions of various of the above will be announced.


The project is worth 50 points. Each student’s grade will be based on the student’s own diary, along with the other deliverables. For full credit, deliverables must be correct and readable, and, in their final versions, complete. The various in-class presentations must be done as required, and the rules must be followed.