CS 471 Fall 6019  >  Assignment 6

CS 471 Fall 2020
Assignment 6

Assignment 6 is due at 5 pm Friday, November 6. It is worth 100 points.


This assignment is to be done individually.

Turn in your answer to the exercise below on the UA Blackboard Learn site, under Assignment 6 for this class.

Exercise (100 pts): Book Summary Draft


In this exercise you will write a summary of the book Don’t Make Me Think, Revisited.


Create a 5-page summary of Don’t Make Me Think, Revisited with the aim of serving as a refresher for someone who has already read the book.

Optimize your use of the 5 pages; the amount of page space used for a topic should be commensurate with the importance of that topic. As in the white paper you wrote earlier, use pictures, figures, drawings, and tables as you feel appropriate.

You may also make use of fonts and spacing as appropriate to improve the appearance and readability of the document. However, the primary content text should be in at least an 11-point font and no tighter than normal single spacing.

Since this summary is explicitly about Don’t Make Me Think, Revisited, you do not need to reference that book in a bibliography. If you use any other sources, then you will need to cite them, as usual. However, it is fine if you have no other sources.

Turn in your summary as a PDF file.


As with your white paper, this is a draft. I will return it to you with comments, and later you will write a finished version. However, your work should not look unfinished. Do the best you can on this draft version, and then make the final version even better.

Your grade breakdown will be: