Elliptic Curve Cryptography via Jacobi Coordinates

CS 463/480 Lecture, Dr. Lawlor

If you benchmark a naive ECDH key exchange, it's actually quite slow, taking 0.120 seconds (!) per exchange.  This would limit a server to about 8 connections per second, which is far too slow.

The limiting factor here is the many modular inverse operations, performed at every divide.  An interesting solution is to use projective coordinates, the "Jacobian Point Representation", to store (X,Y,Z) such that x=X/Z2, y=Y/Z3.  This representation does not require any divisions during its modified point addition function, although you still need to divide at the very end to get the non-Jacobian (Z=1) value back out.

The math here is interesting--similar to doing calculations in fixed-point arithmetic, where you need to keep track of the scale factor and do a big divide at the end, we keep the scale factor in the Jacobian's new Z coordinate.

In non-Jacobi coordinates, we're trying to compute the usual secant line point addition scheme:

    m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
    v = y1 - m*x1
    x3 = m2 - x1 - x2
    y3 = - (m x3 + v)

Substituting in the Jacobi coordinates x=X/Z2 and y=Y/Z3, we have

    m = (Y2/Z23 - Y1/Z13) / (X2/Z22 - X1/Z12)

To cancel out those inner fractions, harkening back to Algebra 1 we multiply the top by Z13 Z23, and the bottom by Z12 Z22, for a net change to m of Z1 Z2, giving us:

    Z1 Z2 m = (Y2 Z13 - Y1 Z23) / (X2 Z12 - X1 Z22)

Following the notation used in 2001 Bernstein, we define some constants
    A = X1 Z22
    B = X2 Z12 - A
      // denominator above
    c = Y1 Z23
    d = Y2 Z13 - c
     // numerator above
Exactly as before, if B==0 we have a special case, either point doubling if d==0, or infinity if d!=0.   

Using the freshly defined d and B we have simply
     Z1 Z2 m = d / B

     m = d / (Z1 Z2 B)

There's no more avoiding that denominator, so we just stuff it all directly into the output Z, making m=d/Z3  
     Z3 = Z1 Z2 B

Recall x3 = m2 - x1 - x2, so:

   X3/Z32 = m2 - X1/Z12 - X2/Z22

Multiplying both sides by Z32, we get:
   X3 = m2 Z32 - Z32 (X1 / Z12 + X2 / Z22)

But recall m=d/Z3, and Z3=B Z1 Z2, so expanding we have
   X3 = d2 - B2 Z12 Z22 (X1 / Z12+ X2 / Z22)

Once again, the fractions cancel, leaving
   X3 = d2 - B2 (X1 Z22+ X2 Z12)

We can efficiently calculate the term in parenthesis as B + 2 A, giving
   X3 = d2 - B2 (B + 2 A)

Finally, we need
   y3 = - (m x3 + v) = - (m x3 + y1 - m x1) = m (x1 - x3) - y1

Expanding the definitions of x, y, and m one final time,
   Y3/Z33 = d/Z3 (X1/Z12 - X3/Z32 ) - Y1/Z13  

Multiplying through by Z33 to clear the left hand denominator gives:
   Y3 = d (X1 Z32 / Z12 - X3) - Y1 Z33 / Z13  

From the definition of Z3 = Z1 Z2 B, we get Z3/Z1 = Z2 B, so replacing both copies of Z3/Z1 we have:
   Y3 = d (X1 Z22 B2  - X3) - Y1 Z23  B3

Replacing the subexpressions for A and c, we can optimize this to:
   Y3 = d (A B2  - X3) - c B3

Overall, we get a point addition process as follows:
   A = X1 Z22
   B = X2 Z12 - A

   c = Y1 Z23
   d = Y2 Z13 - c
   Z3 = Z1 Z2 B
   X3 = d2 - B2 (B + 2 A)
   Y3 = d (A B2  - X3) - c B3

This has about twice as many additions and multiplications, but no divisions!
  # Return the "sum" of these elliptic curve points
  #  Directly from 2001 Bernstein "add-2001-b",
  #    http://cr.yp.to/nistp224.html opt-idea53.c ecadd. 
  #    http://www.hyperelliptic.org/EFD/g1p/auto-shortw-jacobian.html#addition-add-2001-b
  def add(self,Q1,Q2):
	# Identity special cases
	if (Q1.x==self.p): # Q1 is identity
		return Q2
	if (Q2.x==self.p): # Q2 is identity
		return Q1
	# Equality special cases
	if (B==0): 
		if (d==0): # adding point to itself
			return self.double(Q1)
		else: # vertical pair--result is the identity
			return self.identity()

# Ordinary case e=(B*B)%self.p f=(B*e)%self.p g=(A*e)%self.p h=(Q1.z*Q2.z)%self.p f2g=2*g+f X3=(d*d-f2g)%self.p Z3=(B*h)%self.p gx=g-X3 Y3=(d*gx-c*f)%self.p return ECpoint(self,X3,Y3,Z3)

(Try this in NetRun now!)

Download this full Python3 jacobi elliptic curve point multiplication code here.

Many many other formulations are possible; see hyperelliptic's automated collection of elliptic curve formula.

	# Return a doubled version of this elliptic curve point
	#  Closely follows Gueron & Krasnov 2013 figure 2
	def double(self,Q):
		if (Q.x==self.p): # doubling the identity
			return Q
		return ECpoint(self,x,y,z)

	# Return the "sum" of these elliptic curve points
	#  Closely follows Gueron & Krasnov 2013 figure 2
	def add(self,Q1,Q2):
		# Identity special cases
		if (Q1.x==self.p): # Q1 is identity
			return Q2
		if (Q2.x==self.p): # Q2 is identity
			return Q1
		# Equality special cases
		if (xs1==xs2): 
			if (ys1==ys2): # adding point to itself
				return self.double(Q1)
			else: # vertical pair--result is the identity
				return self.identity()

		# Ordinary case
		xd=(xs2-xs1)%self.p   # caution: if not python, negative result?
		return ECpoint(self,x,y,z)		

# "Multiply" this elliptic curve point Q by the integer m # Often the point Q will be the generator G def mul(self,Q,m): R=self.identity() # return point while m!=0: # binary multiply loop if m&1: # bit is set R=self.add(R,Q) m=m>>1 if (m!=0): Q=self.double(Q) return R # A point on an elliptic curve: (x,y) # Using special Jacobian point representation class ECpoint: """A point on an elliptic curve (x/z^2,y/z^3)""" def __init__(self,curve, x,y,z): self.curve=curve self.x=x self.y=y self.z=z

# Extract non-projective X and Y coordinates # This is the only time we need the expensive modular inverse def get_x(self): return self.curve.field_div(self.x,(self.z*self.z)%self.curve.p); def get_y(self): return self.curve.field_div(self.y,(self.z*self.z*self.z)%self.curve.p);

(Try this in NetRun now!)

This takes 0.017 seconds per ECDH operation, over 7x faster than a non-Jacobi implementation!

You can improve performance even more by building a static table of the powers of two of the curve generator point, which more than doubles the speed of the initial multiplications compared to computing them one by one, as we do here.

Download my full Python3 jacobi elliptic curve point multiplication code here.