x86_64 Assembly Quick Reference ("Cheat Sheet")

Instructions (identical to x86)

mov src,dest
Move data between registers, load immediate data into registers, move data between registers and memory.
mov $4,%eax  # Load constant into eax
mov %eax,%ebx  # Copy eax into ebx
mov %ebx,123  # Copy ebx to memory address 123
push src
Insert a value onto the stack.  Useful for passing arguments, saving registers, etc.
push %ebp
pop dest
Remove topmost value from the stack.  Equivalent to "mov (%esp),dest; add $4,%esp"
pop %ebp
call func
Push the address of the next instruction and start executing func.
call print_int
Pop the return program counter, and jump there.  Ends a subroutine.
add src,dest
add %ebx,%eax # Add ebx to eax
mul src
Multiply eax and src as unsigned integers, and put the result in eax.  High 32 bits of product go into eax.
mul %ebx #Multiply eax by ebx
jmp label Goto the instruction label:.  Skips anything else in the way. jmp post_mem
mov %eax,0 # Write to NULL!
post_mem: # OK here...
cmp a,b

Compare two values.  Sets flags that are used by the conditional jumps (below).  WARNING: compare is relative to *last* argument, so "jl" jumps if b<a!
cmp $10,%eax  
jl label Goto label if previous comparison came out as less-than.  Other conditionals available are: jle (<=), je (==), jge (>=), jg (>), jne (!=), and many others. jl loop_start  # Jump if eax<10

Stack Frame

(Normally not needed)

Constants, Registers, Memory

Constants MUST be preceeded with "$".  "$12" means decimal 12; "$0xF0" is hex.  "$some_function" is the address of the first instruction of the function.  WARNING: a bare "12", "0xF0", or "some_function" dereferences the expression like it was a pointer!
Registers MUST be preceeded with "%".  "%eax" means register eax.
Memory access (use register as pointer): "(%esp)".  Same as C "*esp".
Memory access with offset (use register + offset as pointer): "4(%esp)".  Same as C "*(esp+4)".
Memory access with scaled index (register + another register * scale): "(%eax, %ebx, 4)".  Same as C "*(eax+ebx*4)".


64-bit: %rax, %r8
32-bit: %eax, %r8d  (plus zero extension)
16-bit: %ax, %r8w
8-bit: %al, %r8b
%rsp is the stack pointer
The stack frame pointer isn't used very often.
Return value in %rax (or %eax)
Arguments are in %rdi, %rsi,%rdx, %rcx,%r8d,%r9d, and then on the stack (in the usual order)

See sandpile.org for an opcode map.

O. Lawlor, ffosl@uaf.edu
Up to: Class Site, CS, UAF