Managing Your Digital Photos: Day 3

Installing DigiKam

We'll be working with a free software photo manager called DigiKam.  We used its included photo viewer Showfoto last week, and this week we'll use the photo manager part.

The flash drive has a copy of the DigiKam installer for Windows:
(If you have a Mac, download the Mac installer from the DigiKam Download Page)

Managing Photos in DigiKam

Open DigiKam via the Windows Start menu, "All Apps", "DigiKam 5.7", "DigiKam".
The right side menu, including "Properties" through "Tools", works like Showfoto from last week.  It's there to show you info about a single selected photo.  (Use the "Image Editor" tool to get the Showfoto style cropping and color fix tools.)

Many of DigiKam's features help you manage the actual photo files and folders on your computer:
Some of DigiKam's features are internal to DigiKam, and get stored in its database, which isn't useful on other machines or programs.  I personally don't like investing a lot of effort in this sort of feature, because in a few years I'd need to do it again in some new system.
All the details are in the DigiKam manual

Managing Your Digital Photos is an Osher Lifelong Learning Institute course taught by Dr. Orion Lawlor.