CS 481/681  >  Assignment 6

CS 481/681, Spring 2004
Assignment 6

General Information

Homework Policies

See the Homework Policies handout.

Complete DL Training (15 pts)

Complete the Discovery Lab operator training with Bob Huebert. This must be done outside of class. Meet Bob in the lab and complete the exercise that he indicates. Bob says he will be in the Discovery Lab for this purpose at the following times: Full credit will be given for this portion of the assignment if the training is completed by the assignment due date.

Program (20 pts)

If you wish, instead of writing a program as described below, you may do one of the programming options from a previous assignment. The option you do must be one that you did not get credit for previously.

Also, you are encouraged to turn in something related to your project for this assignment. Your program must meet the requirements, and it must work, but it could be one piece of what your will eventually turn in for your semester project.

Write a C++ program using OpenGL and either GLUT or VR Juggler that meets the following requirements.

Suggestions for Full Credit


Particularly well-done programs may be demonstrated in class.

CS 481/681, Spring 2004: Assignment 6 / Last update: 26 Mar 2004 / Glenn G. Chappell / ffggc@uaf.edu