CS 481/681  >  Assignment 5

CS 481/681, Spring 2004
Assignment 5

General Information

Project Proposal (25 points)

Write a short proposal for what you plan to do for a semester project. A serious, complete, on-time proposal will receive full credit.

The project will be worth 100 points. It will consist of three parts:

When determining length and level of difficulty, think in terms of doing four regular assignments. Grading for the project (as opposed to the proposal) will be contract-based: you and I agree on what your project requirements will be; if these requirements are fulfilled, the project will receive full credit.

Your proposal is a draft version of your project requirements. It should include:

After your proposal has been turned in, I will read it and return it to you with comments.

CS 481/681, Spring 2004: Assignment 5 / Last update: 8 Mar 2004 / Glenn G. Chappell / ffggc@uaf.edu