University of Alaska Fairbanks

Ron Barry , Associate Professor of Statistics, Department of Mathematical Sciences.

A list of my papers.

I will be a participant in a workshop on Moving Average Models.





Ronald Barry, Associate Professor of Statistics

Resume (CV)

Dept. of Mathematical Sciences

Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks

Fairbanks, Alaska USA 99775-6660

Phone: (907)-474-7226



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Peer Reviewed:


Ronald P. Barry (1992),  Near-Minimal Resolution IV Designs with hree Factors, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 33  p. 413-425.


Ronald P. Barry, A Centeroid-Based Nonparametric Regression Estimator (1995), Communications

  in Statistics-  Simulation and Computation Vol. 25, Issue 1 p. 81-98.


Ronald Paul Barry and Jay M. Ver Hoef, (1996) Blackbox Kriging:  Kriging without specifying variogram models, Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics, Vol. 1, Issue 3 p. 297-322.


Pace, R. Kelley, and Ronald Barry (1997), Fast Spatial Estimation, Applied Economics Letters, Volume 4, p. 337-341.


R. Kelley Pace and Ronald Barry (1997),  Sparse Spatial Autoregressions,  Statistics and Probability Letters,  Volume 33, Number 3, May 5, p. 291-297.


Ronald Barry and R. Kelley Pace (1997), Kriging with Large Data Sets Using Sparse Matrix Techniques, Communications in Statistics-Computation and Simulation Volume 26, Number 2, p. 619-629.


Ronald Paul Barry (1996), A Diagnostic to Assess the Fit of a Variogram Model to Spatial Data, Journal of Statistical Software,Vol. 1, Issue 1  (an electronic, peer-review journal,  This article had been accessed by more than 300 people from Aug. 13 to Aug.20.


R. Kelley Pace and Ronald Barry (1997), Quick Computations of Spatially Autoregressive Estimators, Geographical Analysis.  Volume 29,  Number 3, pp. 232-247.


R. Kelley Pace and Ronald Barry (1997), Fast CARs, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation Vol. 59, p. 123-145.


Michael N. Rosing, Merav Ben-David, and Ronald P. Barry (1997), Analysis of Stable Isotope Data: A K

Nearest-Neighbors Randomization Test, Journal of Wildlife Management Vol. 62, No 1, p. 380-387


Jay Ver Hoef and Ronald Barry (1998), Constructing and Fitting Models for Cokriging and Multivariable Spatial Prediction,  Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference Vol. 69, p. 275-294



Lindstrom, J.E., R.P. Barry and J.F. Braddock (1998). Microbial  community diversity analysis: a kinetic approach to constructing potential C source utilization patterns. Soil Biol. Biochem. Vol. 30, No. 2, p. 231-239.


Pace, R. Kelley, Ronald Barry, John Clapp, and M. Rodriguez (1998), Spatio-Temporal Estimation of Neighborhood Effects,  Journal of Real  Estate Finance and Economics Vol. 17, No. 1 p. 15-34.


Pace, R. Kelley, Ronald Barry, and C.F. Sirmans (1998), Spatial Statistics and Real Estate, in Journal of Real Estate Finance and  Economics Vol. 17, No. 1  p. 5-14.


R.K. Pace and R.P. Barry (1998), Simulating Mixed Regressive Spatially Autoregressive Estimators, in Computational Statistics Vol. 13 (3), pp.  397-418.


Richards, H. and R. Barry (1999),U.S. Life Tables for 1990 by sex, race and age, in Journal of Forensic Economics Vol. 11, No. 1, p. 9-26.


Ronald Paul Barry and R. Kelley Pace (1999), Monte Carlo Estimates  of the Log Determinant of Large Sparse Matrices,  Seventh Special Issue on Linear Algebra and Statistics of Linear Algebra and its Applications, edited by Simo Puntanen, George P. H. Styan and Hans Joachim Werner.



Jon Lindstrom, Ronald P. Barry and Joan Braddock (), Long-term effects on microbial communities after a subarctic oil spill, in  Soil Biology and Biochemistry Vol. 31, pp. 1677-1689.


R. Kelley Pace, Ronald Barry, Otis W. Gilley and C.F. Sirmans (2000)  A Method for spatial-temporal forecasting with an application to real estate prices, International Journal of Forecasting 16 pp. 229-246.


Ronald P. Barry Nelder Plots in the Encyclopedia of Environmetrics, John Wiley and Sons.




Jay M. Ver Hoef, Ronald P. Barry, Spatio-temporal Prediction of Snow Depth for Caribou Winter Range,  American Statistical Association 1996 Proceedings of the Biometrics Section.