CS 311 Fall 2020  >  Project 8

CS 311 Fall 2020
Project 8

Project 8 is due at 5 pm Tuesday, December 1. It is worth 60 points.


This is, optionally, a group assignment. You may work in a group of 2 or 3, if you wish. Each group only needs to turn in a single copy of the assignment. Under normal circumstances, each group member will receive the same grade on the assignment.

Turn in answers to the exercises below on the UA Blackboard Learn site, under Project 8 for this class.

If you work in a group:

Exercises (60 pts total)

Exercise A — Program: Counting Words


In this exercise, you will write a program that uses a C++ STL Table implementation. Your program will also read information from a file. Robustness and proper error checking are an important part of the assignment.


For the purposes of this exercise, a word is a contiguous sequence of one or more non-space characters.

For example, consider the following.

xyz/ xyz123 xyz
xyz123 xyz abc

The words in the above text, in lexicographic order, are abc, xyz, xyz/, and xyz123.


Write a complete C++ program (including function main!) that inputs a filename from the user, and reads the named file. The program should then print the number of distinct words that appear in the file, followed by a list giving, for each word appearing, the word itself and the number of times it appears in the file, as shown below. Be sure to follow the coding standards. All standards now apply!


Since you are writing a complete program this time, there will be no test program. However, I have created a test input file: countwords_test.txt. (This file is also in the Git repository.) If you run your program with this file as input, then it should output the following statistics.

Number of distinct words: 45

2020: 1
2020-11-20: 1
311: 1
8,: 1
A: 1
And: 1
CS: 1
Can: 2
Chappell: 1
Exercise: 1
Fall: 1
For: 1
G.: 1
Glenn: 1
Next: 1
Project: 1
Test: 1
What: 1
a: 3
again.: 1
change: 2
correctly: 2
count: 2
countwords_test.txt: 1
ending: 1
file: 2
for: 1
if: 1
input: 1
is: 2
it: 1
line-ending: 1
line.: 1
line?: 1
long: 2
marker?: 1
newline?: 1
no: 1
the: 1
there: 1
we: 2
when: 1
with: 1
word: 100000
you: 2

Do not turn in countwords_test.txt.

Note that I may test your program using a different input file.


Exercise B — Writing a Test Suite


In this exercise, you will write a test suite for a simple C++ class. You will use the doctest testing framework.


Consider a class Squarer. Objects of this class are function objects that compute the square of a numeric argument.

An object of type Squarer might be used as follows.


Squarer sq;
int n = sq(5);    // Computes 5 squared: 125
int d = sq(1.1);  // Computes 1.1 squared: 1.331

Here is a complete, correct definition of class Squarer:


// class Squarer
// Class invariants: None.
class Squarer {
    // operator()
    // Returns square of its parameter.
    // Requirements on types: 
    //     Num must have op*, copy ctor.
    // Throws what & when Num operations throw.
    // Strong guarantee
    // Exception neutral
    template<typename Num>
    Num operator()(const Num & k) const
        return k * k;

    // Default ctor, copy ctor, move ctor, copy =, move =, dctor:
    // automatically generated versions used.


Modify the posted file squarer_test.cpp so that it along with doctest.h, forms a thorough test program for class Squarer, contained in header file "squarer.h".

Do not turn in file doctest.h.
