HW2: Model Preparation

CS 482/681, Dr. Lawlor

This is a multi-part homework:
  1. Build a model of any reasonably interesting, symmetrical 3D shape.  You can use any software package (I usually use Blender for more organic shapes, or OpenSCAD for geometric shapes).
  2. Extract the 3D shape into a common file format.  I usually use Wavefront .obj file format for my own code, but TetGen can directly read .ply or .stl.  If needed, you can convert formats using MeshLab.
  3. Open a command prompt and run TetGen (precompiled Windows binary here) to generate tetrahedra: tetgen -peqOB foo.ply
  4. Read the resulting files .node (XYZ coordinates) and .edge (pairs of vertex numbers) into a finite element or spring system simulation.  I usually convert the geometry file to JavaScript code with a simple command line utility like awk, but you can use a spreadsheet or any format conversion you like.
The net result should be a solid simulation representing geometry you designed!  Tune the constants and damping to run smooth and stable.

To save your PixAnvil simulation, hit the "Save" tab, select all the text, and save it to a .html file using a plain text editor such as Notepad.  Turn in your model and updated .html simulation as a .zip file on Blackboard (you'll need to log in first) by the due date of Friday, February 24.