extern puts extern exit push stringy call puts call exit pop eax ; not needed, due to exit ret stringy: db "OK",0Notice that since call == push and jump, we can save a few instructions and cycles by arranging for puts to return directly to exit. This is sometimes done legitimately, as a tail call optimization.
extern puts extern exit push stringy ; argument for puts push exit ; fake return address for puts jmp puts stringy: db "OK",0Finally, since ret == pop + jump, this means push + ret == jump. So we can "jmp puts" by loading up the stack with puts, and then return.
extern puts extern exit push stringy ; argument for puts push exit ; fake return address for puts push puts ; start at puts ret ; goes to puts stringy: db "OK",0Shifting to C, and structuring the bytes more like an exploit, here we've trashed the stack so foo will return directly to puts, which will see its string argument "wha???" on the stack, then puts will "return" to exit.
const static long ropchain[]={ 0, // padding for x 0x4019BC00, // puts 0x4016E030, // exit (after puts) (long)"wha???" // puts first argument }; long foo(void) { long x; printf("Smashing stack...\n"); memcpy(&x,ropchain,sizeof(ropchain)); printf("Departing for madness...\n"); return (long)puts; }
To build a longer rop chain, we would need to peel off the
argument to puts, because we can't return to that string
address. To do this, we'd just find a version of ret that
removes stuff from the stack, like:
0x00016a6f: pop esi
0x00016a70: pop edi
0x00016a71: pop ebp
0x00016a72: ret
This lets us clean off up to three stack values before moving on to the next gadget.
Key to making rop work is finding gadget addresses. For simple examples, you can find those addresses
using a debugger. If you don't have debug access, it can be difficult to find addresses, even without ASLR.
Complicating this is the way at runtime, calls into a dynamic library via the normal linker will first jump to the Procedure Linkage Table (PLT), which grabs the actual function address from the Global Offset Table (GOT)'s PLT entry.
On NetRun's 32-bit machine, we can walk the GOT
push ebp extern puts extern dump_hex push stringy call puts ; Need to call it to load up the GOT pop ecx mov ebp,puts ; <-- function points to PLT push DWORD 128 push ebp call dump_hex pop eax pop ecx mov ebp, DWORD[ebp+2] ; <-- read GOT pointer push DWORD 32 push ebp call dump_hex pop eax pop ecx mov ebp,DWORD[ebp] ; <-- actual function pointer push stringy call 0x4019BC00 pop ecx mov eax,ebp pop ebp ret stringy: db "OK",0
On my 32-bit machine, this prints:
OK dump_hex (0x80489fc, 128 bits): ff 25 20 c5 04 08 68 d0 00 00 00 e9 40 fe ff ff dump_hex (0x804c520, 32 bits): 00 bc 19 40 OK Program complete. Return 1075428352 (0x4019BC00)If we examine the corresponding libc file, we find puts at a file offset of 0x5ac00.
$ objdump -TFC libc.so.6 | grep putsSo:
0005ac00 g DF .text 0000018f GLIBC_2.0 _IO_puts
0005ac00 w DF .text 0000018f GLIBC_2.0 puts
msfrop -v libc.so.6 > rop(It takes half a minute, give it time.)
strings -t x libc.so.6 > strNotice that msfrop finds way more gadgets than objdump | grep ret. In particular, msfrop will flag *any* use of the byte 0xc3 (ordinary ret) or 0xc2 (retn, returns and also pops a constant number of bytes) that results in a valid stream of instructions. For example, in the disassembly:
objdump -TFC libc.so.6 > sym
objdump -xdrCF -M intel libc.so.6 > dis
dis:Notice msfrop has extracted a gadget from between two existing instructions.
165ea: e8 a1 fc ff ff call 16290 <_Unwind_Find_FDE@plt+0x78> (File Offset: 0x16290)
165ef: 81 c3 05 ea 11 00 add ebx,0x11ea05
libc.so.6 gadget:
0x000165eb: mov eax, [81fffffch]
0x000165f0: ret
ROPgadget --binary libc.so.6 --depth 10 > gadgetThis finds way more gadgets, including many useful things like indirect jumps ("jmp eax").
push rbp extern puts extern dump_hex mov rdi, stringy call puts ; Need to call it to load up the GOT mov rbp,puts ; <-- function points to PLT mov rsi, 128 mov rdi, rbp call dump_hex mov eax, DWORD[rbp+2] ; <-- read offset to GOT pointer add rbp, rax ; <-- GOT is RIP-relative add rbp, 6 ;<-- GOT load is 6 bytes long mov rsi, 64 mov rdi, rbp call dump_hex mov rbp, QWORD[rbp] ; <-- load actual function pointer mov rdi, stringy call rbp ; <- call puts directly mov rax,rbp pop rbp ret stringy: db "OK",0See r0pbaby writeup for good details on building x64 rop gadgets.