HTTPS, Authentication, and Certificates
Security Lecture, Dr.
The original web server-to-client communication protocol HTTP
(hypertext transfer protocol) includes absolutely no privacy or
authentication--the request URL is sent in cleartext, and a response
is accepted without question. This means any attacker that
controls the network can read or write your traffic.
By contrast, HTTPS
(HTTP Secure) is designed to ensure two things:
- Secrecy: only the client and server can understand the network
traffic. This is done using Diffie-Hellman key exchange to
set up a secret key, and then the rest of the traffic is
encrypted using an ordinary symmetric cipher such as AES.
- Authentication: when a client connects to Amazon, they're
really talking to Amazon, not a fake site designed to collect
credit card numbers from people who think they're shopping at
Amazon. This is a lot harder task, but it's done using a
hierarchical system where the browsers trust a list of
certificate authorities (CAs), and the CAs sign certificates
using RSA. The browser then checks the signature against
its hardcoded public key, the trust root. Normally the
root CA signs a shorter-lived certificate for an intermediate
CA, who then signs your server's certificate.
The certificates are the part that
provides the authentication.
The format of certificates is X.509 (see design
rationale presentation). Starting from the outside and
working inward, we have:
- PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail format): ASCII wrapper around a DER
certificate. It's just Base64 encoded binary DER
data. You see the same files with extension ".crt" (for
certificate), but usually a ".crt" only contains one
certificate, while a ".pem" can contain a whole list of
certificates concatenated together.
- DER (Distinguished
Encoding Rules): a hierarchical binary format used to assemble
the pieces of the certificate into one big binary glob.
DER is one of the many forms of ASN.1, but none
of them are as popular as XML or JSON.
- An RSA-signed hash of the DER certificate so far.
a Certificate
OpenSSL is a neat little
command line tool for generating and verifying certificates.
In your browser, open the debug console,
Security, View Certificate, Details, Export, and save the whole
https certificate chain to a Base64 .pem file. You can dump
this to the screen with:
openssl x509 -in somewhere.pem -noout -text
You can verify the certificate against
your system's disturbingly long trusted certificate lists
(/usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/ or /etc/ssl/certs/ on my
machine) using:
openssl verify googleIA.pem
googleIA.pem: OK
PEM stands for "Privacy Enhanced Mail",
since certificates were first used for authenticating email.
You see the same data in a ".crt" certificate file, or ".csr" key
signing request, or ".pem" extension.
Google's .pem file looks like this:
With openssl, you can dump a PEM or .crt
file's contents using:
openssl x509 -in google.pem -noout -text
This produces the following text version
of the certificate:
Version: 3 (0x2)
Serial Number:
Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
Issuer: C=US, O=Google Inc, CN=Google Internet Authority
Not Before: Feb 20 13:34:56 2013 GMT
Not After : Jun 7 19:43:27 2013 GMT
Subject: C=US, ST=California, L=Mountain View, O=Google Inc,
Subject Public Key Info:
Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
Public-Key: (1024 bit)
Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
X509v3 extensions:
X509v3 Extended Key Usage:
TLS Web Server Authentication, TLS Web Client Authentication
X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
X509v3 CRL Distribution Points:
Full Name:
Authority Information Access:
CA Issuers - URI:
X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
You can extract the underlying binary
DER glob from a PEM with
grep -v "[-]----" google.pem | base64 -d > google.der
Here's the raw binary DER data in the
above PEM file. This is actually a pretty compact
format--2500 bytes of certificate text is 1200 bytes of base64,
and only 900 bytes of DER.
^T<85>^M<9E>^@^@^@^@}@0^M^F *<86>H<86><F7>^M^A^A^E^E^@0F1^K0 ^F^CU^D
Google Inc1"0 ^F^CU^D^C^S^YGoogle Internet Authority0^^^W^M130220133456Z^W^M130607194327Z0h1^K0 ^F^CU^D^F^S^BUS1^S0^Q^F^CU^D^H^S
California1^V0^T^F^CU^D^G^S^MMountain View1^S0^Q^F^CU^D
Google Inc1^W0^U^F^CU^D^C^S^<81><9F>0^M^F *<86>H<86><F7>^M^M^A^A^A^E^@^C<81>
<B9><F9><90>^P<9F> <B4><D4>8<90><8C><CF><E3><DA>2<9B><E4>g<A0>8^TX<9E>^F<D1><90>^C<D2>^X+<9F><CC>
*<86>H<86><F7>^M^A^A^E^E^@^C<81><81>^@<9B><E8><97> <CC>^V<89><E5>l<CC><E5>0I<E5>u<C1>fM^Z<C2>v<82><E5><DF><CA>@<DA>^@^R@
The format is a little weird here (it's
from "less"):
- <8D> means the single binary byte 0x8D. Note that
the very end of the DER is the binary bytes from the
signatureAlgorithm above.
- ^M means "control-M", which is ASCII 'M' (0x4D) minus 0x40, or
- Everything else is direct byte-for-byte data.
Note that the strings are
length-counted, then appear directly.
See the Wikipedia DER encoding example for
how this works. Class tags you see in
certificates include:
- 0x00: END OF CONTENT (EOC) tag. This indicates the end
of a sequence or message.
- 0x04: OCTET tag. This is followed by a length byte, then
raw binary data. It's used for things like hashes or
encryption keys.
- 0x13: PRINTABLE-STRING tag (^S here). This is followed
by a length byte, then ASCII text.
- 0x30: SEQUENCE tag. This is followed by a sequence length
field, then an EOC-terminated list of subtags. This is how
hierarchical data is represented in the DER.
- 0x86: context-specific OBJECT IDENTIFIER. Seems to be a
- 0xA0: CONSTRUCTED object.
There's some fairly self-contained DER certificate decoding code as
part of PolarSSL, but it's still pretty long and confusing.
I/O code is often long and confusing!
Server Certificate
OpenSSL's "req" command can generate
"self-signed" certificates. These provide no protection
against man-in-the-middle attacks (anybody could just sign their
own certificate to impersonate the server), but are secure against
eavesdroppers who don't modify your traffic.
openssl req \
-x509 -nodes -days 9999 \
-subj '/O=Assembly Extremists Society/OU=AES/' \
-newkey rsa:2048 -keyout mycert.key -out mycert.crt
The /C and /OU markers are X.509
certificate subject fields.
You can dump the info to the screen as before:
openssl x509 -in mycert.crt -noout -text
You can even start a simple demo HTTPS
server using that certificate:
openssl s_server -cert mycert.crt -key mycert.key -www
Now you can visit https://localhost:4433 and
talk to your server. You'll get a warning about the
self-signed certificate. It doesn't have any content, just
info about the ciphers used, but it is HTTPS!
The same certificate could be used with
a real web server, like Apache, using mod_ssl (after "a2enmod ssl"). The
relevant config lines are:
<VirtualHost *:443>
... lists of permissions and directories ...
SSLEngine On
# My public key, as self-signed or signed by my CA:
SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/crt/mycert.crt
# Certificate chain, from root to me: AddTrust -> InCommon -> me
# See below for how to get this file:
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/apache2/ssl/crt/mycert_chain.crt
# My private key, which never leaves my machine:
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/key/mycert.key
<Location />
SSLRequireSSL On
SSLVerifyClient optional
SSLVerifyDepth 1
SSLOptions +StdEnvVars +StrictRequire
Generate Key
Signing Request (KSR)
You can generate a Key Signing Request or .csr similar to generating
a self-signed key, but you leave out the -days and -x509 flags:
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout mycert.key -out mycert.csr -subj '/O=Assembly Extremists Society/OU=AES/'
Again, the /C and /OU markers are X.509
certificate subject fields.
You now upload the .csr to your Certificate Authority. UAF
uses InCommon. You can get a free
90-day trial cert from Comodo, if you can receive email at the
admin or webmaster account at the controlled name.
Debug the files you get back from your CA by dumping the first PEM
in a file with:
openssl x509 -in mycert.crt -noout -text
Some CAs concatenate all the PEM files together, so you need to
split them manually (!?) and reorder them so web clients are happy
with them.
Debug your server setup using s_client with showcerts:
echo | openssl s_client -showcerts -CApath /etc/ssl/certs/ -connect localhost:443
(Byte count is useful to determine setup speed.)
Doublecheck with gnutls, which is both name and order-sensitive (and
used by git, for example):
echo | gnutls-cli --x509cafile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt -p https
OK, you are now using HTTPS!
Let's Encrypt: DNS-based Authentication
One of the hardest things about being a certificate authority is validating the requests: how do you know the person sending you this email is *really* working for Ebay?
There's a simple technical fix for authentication, based on doing DNS lookups:
- You: I'm, and I need to update my certificate.
- Them: OK, just post "123456" to the file ""
- You: OK, done.
- Them: OK, I did a DNS lookup and I see that file. Here's your signed cert.
- You: Thanks!
It's all scripted with "Let's Encrypt". In theory it can work with your existing http server, but I've had better luck just asking the script to open its own server (with --standalone):
service apache2 stop
./certbot-auto certonly --standalone -d -d
service apache2 start
One downside: if an attacker grabs control of your server or your IP address, even briefly, Let's Encrypt will sign their cert too. This lets them masquerade as you (or successfully man-in-the-middle your https traffic) until the cert expires, so Let's Encrypt certs expire in just 3 months.
How Hard is Authentication?
It's really hard to verify the person you're talking to is really who they claim they are.
- "Rafael Espinoza" was hired as an Anchorage Police Officer in 2005 and was quite successful for over 5 years before the federal government noticed he was actually Rafael Mora-Lopez, when the real Rafael Espinoza applied for a passport at the same time as Mora-Lopez.
- "Jose Morales" was hired as a Milwaukee Police Officer in 2004 and was by all accounts successful, until an anonymous tip led to the discovery he was actually Oscar Ayala-Cornejo, an illegal immigrant and the cousin of the real Jose Morales, who died as a child.
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