HW1: Particle Mechanics
482/681, Dr. Lawlor
In this homework, use a particle system to simulate the motion of a
set of electrons in a uniform
magnetic field. Confine the electrons inside a sphere
not centered at the origin. Because the sphere is symmetric,
you can pick the magnetic field's orientation.
For undergraduate students, you may assume electrons stick to the
sphere. Hint: use P.copy(newP); to avoid overwriting all the other
fields of the particle.
For graduate students, your electrons should bounce off
the sphere, and if the simulation runs for a long time, the electron
motions should stay reasonable.
You can ignore gravity, and the interaction between the electrons.
Hint: if the magnetic field strength is too high, it becomes
difficult to keep the electrons inside the sphere.
To save your PixAnvil simulation, hit the "Save" tab, select all the
text, and save it to a .html file using a plain text editor such as
Notepad. Turn in your updated .html simulation on
Blackboard (you'll need to log in first) by the due date of Wednesday,
January 28.