Recursion and Array Examples

CS 301 Lecture, Dr. Lawlor

Here's a recursive implementation of Fibonacci in C++:
int fib(int n) {
if (n<2) return 1; /* base case */
else return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);

int foo(void) {
return fib(10);

(Try this in NetRun now!)

And now in assembly.  This version stores things in preserved registers:
mov rdi,10
call fib ; call fib function with one parameter, 10

; fib function: takes one integer, returns value of Fibonacci sequence there
cmp rdi,2
jl return_one ; check for recursion base case

push r15 ; need preserved registers to stash arguments
push r13
mov r15,rdi ; save our rdi (fib will change it)
sub rdi,1
call fib ; call fib(n-1)
mov r13,rax ; save returned value

mov rdi,r15 ; restore n
sub rdi,2
call fib ; call fib(n-2)
add rax,r13 ; add returned value with previous return
pop r13 ; restore preserved registers
pop r15

return_one: ; recursion base case:
mov rax,1

(Try this in NetRun now!)

This version (developed in class) stores temporary values on the stack:
mov rdi,10
call fib ; call fib function with one parameter, 10

; fib function: takes one integer, returns value of Fibonacci sequence there
cmp rdi,2
jl return_one ; check for recursion base case

sub rdi,1
push rdi ; save rdi (fib will change it)
call fib ; call fib(n-1)
pop rdi ; restore our argument

sub rdi,1 ; second subtraction (now equals n-2)
push rax ; save first fib's return value
call fib ; call fib(n-2)
pop rcx ; restore first fib's value to rcx
add rax,rcx ; add both return values

return_one: ; recursion base case:
mov rax,1

(Try this in NetRun now!)

Here's a non-recursive version that stores the Fibonacci entries to an array, allocated on the stack:
push r15 ; save registers
push r14
extern read_input
call read_input
; rax contains "n", the number of terms to print
movsxd rax,eax ; promote 32-bit return value to 64-bit
cmp rax,0
jle flee_in_terror
mov r15, rax ; n
imul rax,4
sub rsp,rax ; make room for 4*n bytes
mov r14,rsp ; array starts at r14

mov DWORD[r14],1; array[0]=1
cmp r15,1
jle skip_lotsa_stuff
mov DWORD[r14+4],1; array[1]=1

mov rax,2 ; i
jmp loop_compare
mov ecx,DWORD[r14+4*rax-8] ; array[i-2]
mov edx,DWORD[r14+4*rax-4] ; array[i-1]
add ecx,edx
mov DWORD[r14+4*rax],ecx ; array[i] = array[i-1]+array[i-2]

add rax,1
cmp rax,r15
jl startoloop


mov rdi,r14 ; ptr
mov rsi,r15 ; num elements
extern iarray_print
call iarray_print

mov rax,r15
imul rax,4
add rsp,rax

pop r14 ; restore registers
pop r15

(Try this in NetRun now!)