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Example: Sum of Squares

This example shows how machine code is generated for a simple Pascal program. The example program computes


the sum of the squares of the first NUMINTS integers.

The program is written using a while loop instead of a for loop to produce assembly code which more closely resembles the Pascal program. NUMINTS is a constant and the program uses two variables, Count and Squares to perform the calculation. The result is left in a variable called Squares.

program SumSquare;
    NUMINTS = 10 {number of integers to sum}
    Count, Squares: integer;
begin   {SumSquare}
    Squares := 0;
    Count := 1;
    while ( Count <= NUMINTS ) do
    begin   {while}
        Squares := Squares + (Count * Count);
        Count := Count + 1;
    end;    {while}
end.    {SumSquare}

The MAL squares program uses registers for the variables Count and Squares. The number of integers in the sum is stored in memory at location numints.

#	MAL program to sum the squares of 
#	the first 'numints' integers.
#	Registers:
#	    $2	sum of squares
#	    $3	branch condition
#	    $5	numints
#	    $6	squares
#	    $7	count
numints:	.word	10
__start:	li	$7, 1
		li	$2, 0
		lw	$5, numints
while:		sub 	$3, $7, $5
		bgtz	$3, end
		mul	$6, $7, $7
		add	$2, $2, $6
		add	$7, $7, 1
		j 	while
end:		done

When the MAL code is assembled, the following TAL program is produced. Note that several MAL instructions must be synthesized from one or more TAL instructions.

CS 301 Class Account
Mon Sep 13 11:15:41 ADT 1999