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University of Alaska Fairbanks
Computer Science Program

CS 205: Intermediate Programming

Assignment: Making a Module

Assignment goal: To write and use your own Perl module.

Assignment structure: For an application you choose, write a Perl module (.pm) file. Write two Perl programs that use functionality supplied by the module.

Required input and output: You can choose the application area and functionality. Minimally, one of the Perl programs should solicit user input (for example, a menu of choices), and should read or write to a file.

Further work: Optionally, the package could use another package (email all packages that you write). Optionally, the package could include overloaded functions, or functions that operate on references (pointers) to variables, or local copies. Optionally, the package functions could take data structures as arguments.

Deliverables: Send email to Prof. Newby with two attachments. First is your Perl program. Second is a plain text file showing a sample run of the program.

Grading: 10 points for required functionality, plus up to 2 points for extra functionality, as follows:

Criterion Max. Points Description
Functionality 6 Meets assignment I/O requirements
Legibility 2 Includes comments; neatly written
Parsimony 2 Uses appropriate data structures and syntax; not overly complex or convoluted
Extra work 2 Functionality demonstrating clear understanding beyond the assignment requirements

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