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University of Alaska Fairbanks
Computer Science Program

CS 205: Intermediate Programming

Assignment: Data Analysis

Assignment goal: To be able to identify and manipulate different data types in Perl.

Assignment structure: Write one Perl program that uses variables for at least three data types: string, integer and floating point number. The program should perform a basic operation with each variable, to produce a new value. For example, concatonate a new string or identify a substring; add integers; take the square root of a floating point number.

Required input and output: No required input. Output should be the original variables and the new variables.

Further work: Optionally, you could solicit user input from the terminal or a file, and let the user select different types of operations for different data types. Optionally, you could identify the data type at run time (for example, by seeing whether a variable includes letters, or may be multiplied).

Deliverables: Send email to Prof. Newby with two attachments. First is your Perl program. Second is a plain text file showing a sample run of the program.

Grading: 10 points for required functionality, plus up to 2 points for extra functionality, as follows:

Criterion Max. Points Description
Functionality 6 Meets assignment I/O requirements
Legibility 2 Includes comments; neatly written
Parsimony 2 Uses appropriate data structures and syntax; not overly complex or convoluted
Extra work 2 Functionality demonstrating clear understanding beyond the assignment requirements

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